The students and youth from Shimoga presently studying and working in Bangalore came together for the preparatory meeting of Apoorva Yuva Sangama 2024. This gathering was organized by the Yuvamitra, the Youth Commission of the Diocese of Shimoga on January 21 at St. Joseph's PU College Loyola Hall, Bangalore. This coming together was to illumine and enlighten the lives of participating young people.

The day’s programme commenced with the Youth Director Fr Pius D’Souza welocing the entire gathering.  Miss Priya Maria D'Souza, the President of ICYM, along with Miss Jesvita D'Souza, the YCS/YSM Regional Representative, Mr. Nishal Prabu, and Sr. Tresa Lidya, the Lady Animator for YCS/YSM were present for the meeting. As the resource person Fr Pius D’Souza delivered a motivating message.  As the group celebrated the Holy Eucharist with the Youth Director presiding, the moment of gathering became a grace-filled moment. The youth offered communion particles as a self-offering to be consecrated to the Lord that became a deeply touching moment in the young minds with their hearts open to the divine. The breaking the Word enabled the delegates to know that obedience is better than sacrifice. This was the invitation to show fidelity to God and remain faithful to the mission to which each person is invited.

Sr. Tresa Lidya B.S. gave the input session to the group, focusing on the Six Gs for positive behaviour in skilful life. This inspiring talk led the participants to engage themselves in discussions regarding the organisation of various programs in the upcoming days. A brief evaluation allowed members to share their views and ideas.  Most of the participants appreciated the meet and expressed a desire to organise for similar value-oriented programs in the future. They appreciated the vision of the organisers to bring together those in diaspora. The participants elected Mr. Suhas as the coordinator for Apoorva Yuva Sangama. Mr Nishal proposed the vote of thanks.  There wasa short prayer and a hymn before the group dispersed.

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