Our vision and mission evolves with a note of living our faith in the presence of the non-Catholic and non-Christian world around us. Entrusted with the mission of proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ and building the Kingdom of God in the Diocese of Shimoga we are face with the following realities in this land:
- small size of the Church in comparison to the existing large population;
- existence of vast areas untouched by the Gospel;
- intrusion of various Christian sects;
- media manipulation and erosion of values;
- social economic and gender disparities; and
- exploitation of the weaker section of society.
We recommit ourselves to the mission entrusted to us by Jesus Christ and purpose Vision and Mission statements for the Church in Shimoga Thus:
We, the Christ's faithful of the Diocese of Shimoga witness Christ to the fullness of becoming Christ (Alter Christus) for the establishment of the Kingdom of God in and around us.
We, the Christ's faithful of the Diocese of Shimoga take up the mission of witnessing Christ. We shall do so by:
- Knowing, believing, nurturing and revitalising our faith in Christ to its full stature;
- Promoting organised and private charitable deeds;
- Imparting value based education;
- Using all the diocesan level Commissions, revitalised and replanned to their full capacity;
- Praying and working in unity with other Christian denominations;
- Living and having a dialogue with the followers of other faiths;
- Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ to everyone who is thirsting for it;
- Working towards self-sufficiency in fields like religious personnel, finance and infrastructure.
We, the Christ's faithful of the Diocese of Shimoga take up the mission of witnessing Christ. We shall do so by:
1. Being a dynamic and evolving Church firmly rooted in revitalised faith and witnessing Christian values in the context of a changing society;
2. Fulfilling its call to be a witnessing Church through its:
- religious leadership,
- animation through spiritual guidance and counseling;
- institutional work in education, health and social welfare; and
- integrated pastoral service especially to the youth, women, the aged and the physically challenged;
3. Fostering dialogue with other Churches and ecclesial communities with ecumenical purpose;
4. Holding firmly to the Christian values in its inter-faith milieu;
5. Developing the human, material and financial resources to facilitate missionary work.