Farewell to Sr. Mable D'Silva and Welcome to Sr. Tresa Lidya Bs

Report by: Joshua D'Costa, PRO YCS/YSM Shimoga Diocese. May 25, 2022; Yuvamithra office. Every event makes a day special. One such was a day of farewell to Sr. Mable our youth animator from past three years has guided the youth of Shimoga.

The sad moments of farewell coupled with joy as we recalled all the goodness of her service. We also extended our welcome to Sr. Tresa Lidya Bs our new animator. The farewell event was organized by the YCS and YRT members. The program began by invoking God's blessings on us through a prayer song. As a part of Indian culture the guest most Rev. Dr Francis Serrao S.J, Fr. Pius D'Souza, Sr. Mable D'Silva, Sr. Helen Moras, Sr. Tresa Lidya and all the YCS and YSM members were accord a warm welcome’s by Aron the President of YCS/YSM and Jesvita D'souza the vice president of YCS /YSM briefed the importance of the day.

Most Rev. Dr Francis Serrao S.J Bishop of Shimoga, Fr.Pius D'souza, Sr.Helen and YCS/YSM president Mr. Aaron D'Souza felicitated Sr. Mable for her committed and dedicated service. Mr. Aaron D’Souza president of YCS/YSM and Mr. Nishal president of ICYM shared their experience and lovely moments with Sr. Mable their words filled our hearts with joy and gratitude for all that Sr. Mable was to our YCS/YSM. Farewell song added feelings to our expression.

Rev Fr. Pius D’ Souza our director shared his memories with Sr. Mable. He appreciated her service and her inspiring life that has been a model for the young. After memories shared it was time for handing over the responsibility. Sr. Mable handed over the responsibilities to Sr. Tresa Lidya Bs, our new animator by a lighted candle. Sr. Tresa Lidya our new Animator was felicitated and expressed her sentiments of gratitude to God and to the Bishop for the wonderful opportunity given to work among youths in the Diocese of Shimoga.

The treasure of the day was the message of Rev. Dr Francis Serrao S.J who congratulated the youth and teens for their zeal in doing things for the greater Glory of God. A short story of Akbar and Birbal reminded us once again to be ever grateful to Sr. Mable for her dedicated service. We admired the words of encouragement by our Bishop Francis Serrao S.J and his inspiring words. With that all were motivated to be brighter, smarter and enthusiastic youth in the Diocese of Shimoga and also across the world.

Finally Sr. Mable spoke with gratitude for the opportunity given to her and shared her joy of working among youths and she said, “It was a blessing and a great time in her life”. The program was concluded with vote of thanks proposed by Melvin Furtado.

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