Shimoga Diocese: 07 November 2022: Diocese of Shimoga Constituted its first Diocesan Service of Communion on November 6th at Pastoral Center for Renewal 'Sannidhi', Shivamogga. A two-day programme was organised by Diocesan Catholic Charismatic Renewal Office.  

On November 5th: The day began with Rosary.  At 10 am Fr Franklin D'Souza, the Spiritual Director of Chaismatic Renewal of Diocese of Shimoga, led the Praise and Worship. After the tea break Fr Franklin D'Souza gave the Key Note Address. He explained the need for the formation of DSC. 

At 12 noon Bro. Joy Anthony, former Coordinator of National Service of Communion (NSC) spoke on the theme, "Catholic Charismatic Renewal is the gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church".  After lunch at 1:45 pm Fr Franklin D'Souza led the Praise and Worship. Then Bro. Joy Anthony spoke on the "Importance of Life in the Spirit Seminar"(LSS). At 3:30 pm Fr Franklin D'Souza celebrated Holy Eucharist. In his homily he made known the "Importance of the Sacraments in a Christian's Life". 

After the Tea break at 5 pm Bro. Joy Anthony spoke on the "Formation of Prayer Groups in a Parish". 

At 6 pm Bro. Joy Anthony gave input on "Intercession and Prophetic Intercession".

followed by Workshop on "Prophetic Intercession". 

After dinner at 8.45 pm Blessed Sacrament was exposed for the Adoration. 

On November 6th at 6 am Blessed Sacrament was exposed and Fr Franklin D'Souza led the intercessors Rosary and prayed for the success of the formation of the DSC. 

At 6.30 am Fr Franklin D'Souza prepared the participants for the confessions. Fr Duming Dias, Fr Pius D'Souza and Fr Franklin D'Souza helped participants in their personal confessions. Then Fr Franklin D'Souza and Fr Pius D'Souza together with Bro. Mahime Raj & Bro. Thomas Chinnappa conducted the anointing session. 

After breakfast at 8:30 am Bro. Thomas Chinnappa- Secretary of Karnataka Regional Service of Communion (KRSC) led the Praise and Worship.  Then at 9 am Bro. Mahime Raj representative of Karnataka in the National Service of Communion (NSC) and also observer for the DSC election representing NSC spoke on "Charis Statutes and Call of God".

Ar 10:30 am Bro. Thomas Chinnappa spoke on the "Election Process". 

After the tea break at 10:45 am self-Introduction was initiated by Bro. Thomas Chinnappa. Then the participants wrote Seven names as inspired by the Holy Spirit on the given ballot papers. 

Bro. Mahime Raj, Bro. Thomas Chinnappa Fr Franklin D'Souza were in the Discerning Team.  Meanwhile participants prayed in front of the Blessed Sacrament.

Following leaders were selected for the year 2022 to 2025. They are : 

Mr. David Raj as Coordinator, Sacred Heart Cathedral, Shivamogga.

Ms. Elveera Fernandes as Secretary, St. Jude' s Church, Anandapura.

Mr. John Lobo, St. Joseph's Church,  Sagar.

Mr. Francis Lopis, Monti Mary Church,  Talaguppa.

Mr. Wilson, Immaculate Conception Church, New Town Bhadravati.

Mr. Francis D'Mello, Sacred Heart Cathedral,  Shivamogga. 

Ms. Mary Louis, St. Joseph's Church, Sagar.

At 12 pm Most Rev. Dr Francis Serrao SJ Bishop of the Diocese of Shimoga offered Holy Eucharist together with Fr Franklin D'Souza and thanked Almighty God for the  formation of DSC in the Diocese. In his homily he spoke in "Resurrection of Jesus and how we have to be faithful to him". He also appreciated the prayer warriors who are gifted by the Holy Spirit and he said that Diocese needs to build such strong intercessory prayer groups. We need to witness to the mission mandate of Jesus through our sincere prayer life and with  deep faith like his disciples. 

After the profession of faith Bishop led the appointment of New DSC as well as Oath taking ceremony. Then he prayed over them by laying the hands on the leaders. At the end of the Holy Eucharist KRSC Secretary Bro. Thomas Chinnappa thanked Diocese of Shimoga for the Constitution of DSC. Mr. David Raj thanked Jesus and sought help of prayer to lead the DSC. The Spiritual Director of Renewal Movement of the Diocese of Shimoga thanked God, the Bishop as well as the resource team and the participants. He specially thanked Fr Duming Dias,  Director of Sannidhi & the staff of Sannidhi for rendering their services for the successful completion of DSC formation.

There were thirty participants from all over the Diocese. It is unanimously accepted by participants that from 2023 January on every fourth Saturday night Vigil will be organised at Sannidhi to pray for the intentions of the Diocese of Shimoga. 

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