Christmas Celebration - 2022

United Christian Forum (UCF) Shimoga Unit celebrated Christmas at Sannidi, the pastoral Renewal Centre of Shimoga Diocese, on 12-12-2022. It was attended by around 120 members among wahom many were pastors of various independent churches in Shimoga district, Catholic priests, Religious and the Laity. In his presidential address Rev.Dr.Franscis Serrao, the Bishop of Shimoga, unearthed the spiritual treasures hidden various symbols that are significant in Christmas story.

The chief Guest of the day, Rev. Pastor P.D Jesudas, the president of Shimoga District Pastors' Federation (SDPF) explained in detail the importance of the Christmas star from biblical and historical perspectives. Rev. Fr Stany D'Souza, the parish priest of Sacred Heart Cathedral Shimoga, in his message said "humility leads to the divine". Pastor G. Stanley and Pastor Rev. Paulraj Y.G enlightened the gathering with their prophetic messages. During this occasion a Book "Sathyameva Jayathe" published in 6 languages by V.Giri was released. The choir members of Good Shepherd Parish, Gopala,

Shimogga , kept everyone prayerful by their melodious singing of Christmas carols. Rev. Fr Jerome Moras OCD, the convenor of the programme and the Secretary of UCF - Shimoga, welcomed everyone and honoured the guests with shawls, garlands, fruit trays. Rev. Raymond S.Raj the joint secretary UCF-Shimoga, proposed the vote of thanks. The programme ended at 8.30 pm with a sumptuous dinner for all.

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